Dairy-Free Cashew Vanilla Icing  

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dairy free cashew vanilla icing on four chocolate cupcakes with a raspberry on top

Dairy-Free desserts can still be delicious! If you are unable to have dairy, cream, or any form of whey or casein protein, soaked cashews make a delightful topping to any carrot cake, loaf or cupcake recipe. For your next creation, be sure to try out this cashew vanilla icing recipe. It is soooooooo yummy, we…

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Roasted Buddha Bowl With Cashew Nuts

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Top view of two roasted buddha bowls with cashew dressing in white bowls on a counter

As we ease into spring with warmer days ahead and perhaps the innate desire to cleanse, we invite you to try a novel way to increase your brassicaceae content with this Roasted Buddha Bowl. Cruciferous vegetables such as these are naturally high in fiber and B-vitamins, and provide antioxidants and phytonutrients that help protect against…

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