How to Change Your Mindset for Personal Growth and Success

On , In Mind

Mindset is a powerful force that can significantly shape lives. It can influence everything from relationships, careers, overall happiness and enjoyment of life. Some people seem fixed in a negative bias or mindset which doesn’t allow them to see the other side of things from a more positive perspective. Staying stuck in negativity allows fears…

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Benefits of Social Connection – a Pillar of Health

On , In Soul
a group watching the sunset on a hike promoting social connection, with yellows and oranges over mountains in the background

Our health and wellness is dependant on the major pillars of health. Depending on the model that you choose, social connection should always be included as an important pillar. Looking ahead in 2023, with the bulk of the pandemic nearly behind us, Mind Body Soul Integrative Clinic and our team have been reflecting upon how…

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A Guide to Surviving the Holidays

On , In Mind
Model dad and children putting christmas tree on vehicle with snow, highlighting surviving the holidays

When some people think of the winter holidays, they picture a happy time celebrating old memories and creating new ones. But it’s not all perfectly wrapped presents and cozy sweaters for everyone; the holidays can actually be very difficult for many. If you are having a difficult time in your life already, the holidays can…

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Natural Solutions For Seasonal Affective Disorder

On , In Mind
woman walking in light snow with trees in the background on a grey day; highlighting Seasonal Affective Disorder

The Fall can mean hibernation for many with the dark and dreary days of winter approaching in the Okanagan. The lack of sunlight and colder weather can have a severe impact on our mood. It can leave us feeling tired, depressed, detached and unmotivated. Like everyone, you may notice a cooler night here, maybe a…

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Managing Anxiety – Natural, Quick & Easy Tools

On , In Mind
Scrabble pieces spelling out the word anxiety, highlighting the topic of this piece, managing anxiety

Know that feeling of your heart beating faster in response to a stressful situation? Or your palms getting sweaty when you are confronted with an overwhelming task or event? That’s anxiety – our body’s natural response to stress. A little bit of anxiety can actually be helpful. It can spring us into action when there…

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April is Counselling Awareness Month

On , In Mind
Blossoms in April, highlighting that April is counselling awareness month

Spring has arrived! How fitting that a month of flowers blooming, sun re-emerging and birds singing, is the same month celebrating a profession that encourages growth and renewal. The American Counselling Association has appropriately named the month of April Counselling Awareness Month to celebrate this profession and bring awareness to the necessity and benefits of…

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5 Tips For Surviving A Crisis

On , In Soul
A couple holding hands as they lean on each other during a crisis

We all have times in our life when we experience distress. Events, often out of our control, can cause us minor emotional discomfort, or immense pain and suffering. Crises can come unexpectedly and often cannot be fixed in the moment. Or, if they are fixable, we might feel too overwhelmed to problem solve effectively. It’s…

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