Massage Therapy for Headache Relief

On , In Body
Woman pressing on a trigger point on her back, highlighting massage therapy as a treatment for headache relief.

Experiencing pain, whether it’s from an injury or a repetitive posture, can be a complicated and frustrating process. Although there are similarities in the expression of pain, every individual’s encounter with pain is unique to them. Massage therapy can be applied using a variety of techniques to help reduce pain and educate the client about…

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Healing Scars & Scar Tissue Naturally with Massage Therapy

On , In Body
An Iceberg in calm water against blue skies, representing the depth of scars and the implications on the body for NKT

In advanced massage training, such as neurokinetic therapy, scars are always prioritized by experts in the field. A metaphor used to describe scars are that they are similar to icebergs: you can see the top 1/3 and the bottom 2/3’s are held deep within. No matter the causation, location, age or size – the scar…

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Ease Winter Blues with Massage Therapy

On , In Mind
an illustrated molecule of dopamine; highlighting the treatment of winter blues with massage therapy

Massage therapy may be your solution for winter blues! One of the many effects that massage has on our bodies is stimulating the release of some key neurohormones. What are neurohormones you ask? They are simply hormones that are produced by our nervous system and secreted into our bodies for circulation. Let’s take a quick…

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What is NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT)?

On , In Body
Practitioner performing muscle testing at a spa on a woman patient

Neurokinetic therapy is offered in the realm of registered massage therapy and provided to patients by RMT’s with extra certification in this area. NKT is a specialized testing and treatment technique that looks to get to the root cause of compensatory patterns that a person is stuck looping on. The human body (specifically, the peripheral…

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