Massage Therapy for Headache Relief

On , In Body
Woman pressing on a trigger point on her back, highlighting massage therapy as a treatment for headache relief.

Experiencing pain, whether it’s from an injury or a repetitive posture, can be a complicated and frustrating process. Although there are similarities in the expression of pain, every individual’s encounter with pain is unique to them. Massage therapy can be applied using a variety of techniques to help reduce pain and educate the client about…

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What is NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT)?

On , In Body
Practitioner performing muscle testing at a spa on a woman patient

Neurokinetic therapy is offered in the realm of registered massage therapy and provided to patients by RMT’s with extra certification in this area. NKT is a specialized testing and treatment technique that looks to get to the root cause of compensatory patterns that a person is stuck looping on. The human body (specifically, the peripheral…

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