Don’t Suffer With SAD, Natural Medicine Can Help!

On , In Mind
Woman with shoulder length blonde hair and eyes closed sitting in bright light; relating to light therapy for SAD.

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD for short, is a type of depression that is brought on by a change in the seasons. SAD begins around the same time each year. It starts in the fall as the days start getting shorter, and it is alleviated in the spring when the sun shines longer during the…

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Ease Winter Blues with Massage Therapy

On , In Mind
an illustrated molecule of dopamine; highlighting the treatment of winter blues with massage therapy

Massage therapy may be your solution for winter blues! One of the many effects that massage has on our bodies is stimulating the release of some key neurohormones. What are neurohormones you ask? They are simply hormones that are produced by our nervous system and secreted into our bodies for circulation. Let’s take a quick…

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Natural Solutions For Seasonal Affective Disorder

On , In Mind
woman walking in light snow with trees in the background on a grey day; highlighting Seasonal Affective Disorder

The Fall can mean hibernation for many with the dark and dreary days of winter approaching in the Okanagan. The lack of sunlight and colder weather can have a severe impact on our mood. It can leave us feeling tired, depressed, detached and unmotivated. Like everyone, you may notice a cooler night here, maybe a…

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