The ‘mind body soul’ belief is that your health and well-being are a result of integrative health, including mental, spiritual, and physical health. Mainstream medicine is very focused on the physical health part, often providing band-aid solutions for direct symptoms. At Mind Body Soul, we practice a more holistic approach to health. Our naturopathic practice and therapies work to serve the person as a whole, improving overall health.

Focusing on the Body portion of the Mind-Body-Soul triad, we’ve designated a section of our blog to physical health. From common diseases and disorders to physiological symptoms and concerns, this section of the blog covers all things physical.

Many of the mind-focused therapies at Mind Body Soul benefit the body, and vice versa. Physiological symptoms are often the result of hormone imbalances in the body, making the two naturally connected.

Learn more about what we can do for your body at Mind Body Soul!

Neural Therapy – a Chronic Pain Solution You’ve Never Heard Of!

On , In Body
Woman with outstretched arms, facing the sun on the coast, having found chronic pain relief in neural therapy

What if I told you that there is a very effective treatment for chronic pain that has been around since the 40’s, that can correct pain in as little as one treatment, and is taught around the world… but you likely have never heard of it? Intriguing, right? The treatment that I am referring to…

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COVID-19 Update & Your Health, March 15, 2020

On , In Body
COVID-19 rendering in blue and teal and purple closeup of virus with crown

With suspended international travel, school closures, even Disneyland shutting its doors, some of you may be wondering what can be done to protect yourself from COVID-19. Today, we have 73 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in British Columbia, 304 confirmed cases across Canada and one fatality. COVID-19 is a dynamic situation as cases, countries and recommendations…

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Healing Scars & Scar Tissue Naturally with Massage Therapy

On , In Body
An Iceberg in calm water against blue skies, representing the depth of scars and the implications on the body for NKT

In advanced massage training, such as neurokinetic therapy, scars are always prioritized by experts in the field. A metaphor used to describe scars are that they are similar to icebergs: you can see the top 1/3 and the bottom 2/3’s are held deep within. No matter the causation, location, age or size – the scar…

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Low White Blood Cells & Heart Disease

On , In Body
Doctor checking patient's heartbeat by stethoscope at hospital; highlighting the link between heart health and low white blood cell count

It is refreshing when mainstream medicine starts to catch up with integrative and preventive medicine practices. If you listen to CBC Radio you may have recently heard about how an incidental finding of low white blood cells can actually be a cause for concern:  a lowered immune system can increase your risk of all-cause death.…

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What is NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT)?

On , In Body
Practitioner performing muscle testing at a spa on a woman patient

Neurokinetic therapy is offered in the realm of registered massage therapy and provided to patients by RMT’s with extra certification in this area. NKT is a specialized testing and treatment technique that looks to get to the root cause of compensatory patterns that a person is stuck looping on. The human body (specifically, the peripheral…

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Thyroid Symptoms, Normal Test… Now What? A Look at WTS.

On , In Body
Close-up of a female doctor doing a medical examination. The focus is on the mature adult woman being examined in a thyroid exam

Your thyroid test is normal, so now what? If you continue to feel unwell, press on and seek a second, or even third medical opinion. You know your body best. You need a doctor who takes you seriously. Talking to a doctor who takes into account ALL your health concerns in combination with clinical judgement…

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Are Bacteria & SIBO Causing Your Tummy Troubles?

On , In Body
Woman having stomachache, holding with hot water bottle on pink background; highlighting the symptoms of SIBO

Bacteria are found abundantly on our skin and in our digestive tracts. In most instances, this bacteria is beneficial to our health and well-being. However, when a large amount of bacteria overgrow in the small intestine, this can result in a syndrome known as Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO is thought to be involved…

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IV Vitamin Therapy for Modern Times

On , In Body
IV Vitamin Therapy Lounge at Mind Body Soul

IV Vitamin Therapy continues to gain traction in the news, with athletes and celebrities and individuals genuinely interested in improving their health. IV Vitamin Therapy has many different names from Vitamin Infusions, Myer’s Cocktail, IV Micronutrients, to even the “Hangover Drip.” IV Vitamin Therapy is a great way to revitalize your body, to boost energy […]

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The Ketogenic Diet, Insulin & Weight Loss

On , In Body
A person feeling great after experiencing the health benefits of the ketogenic diet such as weight loss

Have you tried the ketogenic diet yet? It’s been the latest trend in the last few years. But more importantly, it’s helped a lot of our patients (in the 40+ years category) to lose stubborn weight, reduce or remove medications, and feel great again! We decided to dive into the research to help solidify the…

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Vitamin D Associated with Lower Breast Cancer Risk

On , In Body
woman in sunlight; highlighting the risks of vitamin d deficiency

A recent study revealed that women with higher levels of serum vitamin D have significantly lower breast cancer risk.1 Vitamin D is technically not a vitamin. Rather, it’s a hormone that synthesizes in the skin and converts to its active form in the liver. Vitamin D has amazing health benefits, from lowering cardiovascular risk to…

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